If you are constantly feeling run down and tired or you struggle to shake off illness, then it’s possible you may be deficient in Vitamin B12.
The range of symptoms caused by B12 deficiency can be persistent tiredness or lack of energy (lethargy), plus general and ongoing fatigue and low mood are also common.
There are many benefits of a Vitamin B12 injection and these include:
• Beats fatigue as B12 is required for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen.
• Provides an energy boost as B12 assists in converting food into glucose.
• Boosts brain power, memory and focus.
• Lower the risk of heart disease and cancer and other diseases.
• Can aid weight loss as B12 boosts the metabolism.
• Reduced anxiety and mood swings.
• Better sleep patterns.
• Improved appearance in terms of skin, hair and nails.
You will be asked to conduct a blood test before receiving the injection to confirm you are low or deficient in B12.
Patients can also ask your NHS GP to conduct this test and let us have confirmation of low result.
Some people will be eligible to get these injections on the NHS:
Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia - NHS
Alternatively please contact one of our friendly and qualified clinicians for more information.
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